Sunday, July 12, 2015

When It Doesn't Add Up

Solving simple math equations is usually straightforward.  If I want to know the sides of a 90° triangle, then using the formula

a2 + b2 = c2

will work every time.  And if I need to figure out the area of a circle, the right equation is always going to be

A = π Ÿ r2.

I’ve always loved math for its simplicity and predictability.  Its consistency.  If I know the correct formula to use, I will, with certainty, be able to anticipate the outcome.

Oh, if only life was an uncomplicated mathematical formula, reliable and measurable.  If only it was as easy to figure out as

x + y = z

I mean, if I am careful to do x and am faithful to do y, then I can surely expect that the results will be z, right?  A+.  Happily ever after.  The end.

There are, indeed, some reliable formulas I can use.  Some basic principles that are generally tried and proven to be safe.  Some of these equations are even found in the Bible.  They are good, solid guideposts for making decisions and determining the direction of my life.  For example, one such formula is:

Obedience = Blessing

This is, after all, one of the first promises from God.  In the first book of the Bible, the Lord says to Cain, “If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?” (Genesis 4:7)  I love the possibility of it!  It’s so attainable and unmistakably clear.  If I do what is right, if I make wise choices and do my best to be honest and moral and good, I will be accepted.  God will be pleased, and of course if God is pleased, then He will pour out His blessing upon my life!

And the book of Deuteronomy is completely filled with similar equations . . .

“All these blessings will come upon you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God.” (Deuteronomy 28:2)

“If you faithfully obey the commands I am giving you today – to love the Lord your God and to serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul, then . . .” (Deuteronomy 11:13).   And the list of blessings is numerous:  long life for you and for your children, rain in its season, fruitful harvests and enough food to be fully satisfied, victory over your enemies, and strength to accomplish what God has called you to do.  What an amazing list of promises for those who obey!

Obedience = Blessing.  I like that formula!  Or rather, I used to like that formula.  Until it didn’t really work for me.  Until my experiences proved it unreliable and inconsistent.  Until it didn’t quite add up.