Saturday, February 1, 2014


Every day, almost without exception, the thoughts murmur through my mind.  Scoffing.  Criticizing.  Accusing.  “You aren’t good enough.  You aren’t wise enough.  You aren’t holy enough.  Why don’t you just give up?  After all these years of trying and struggling to become a better person, what do you have to show for yourself?  How much progress have you made?  Are you any more mature or godly today than you were yesterday?  Just admit it:  you will never be enough.”

It’s like I have this cup.  A cup that I made with my own hands.  It is cracked and stained and ugly.  It once brimmed with idealistic hopes and ambitious aspirations.  Now, there is nothing in it.  It has been drained by the harsh realities of just trying to survive this life.  A life that sometimes includes disease, difficulties, disappointments, discouragement.  My cup is empty.  I have nothing to offer.1  The striving.  The efforts and energy that never seems to amount to anything.  Is it true?  Will it ever be enough?  Will I ever be enough?

Once again, as I have done so many times before, I come before the Lord, offering Him my empty cup.  And El Shaddai2, the All-Sufficient One, fills it with Himself.